Wednesday, April 16, 2014


IT'S SPRING | MIX TAPE via Out in the Boonies Blog

It's officially spring, you guys! Spring equinox, check. Trees and lilacs budding, check. Crocuses blooming, check. Unofficial but obligatory and random snow day mid-April, check.

Inspired by the crazy weather outside, I made a playlist for us! IT'S SPRING | MIX TAPE. Available for free on Spotify. (You don't even need to download the whole program; the link above will take you to the playlist in your browser! whee!)

Featuring Noosa, Priscilla Ahn, Phoenix, Dan Croll and many other amazingly talented musicians.

BTW, if you have never heard of Spotify, it's pretty much amaze-balls. You can download it for free, listen to almost anything you want for free, and you can avoid the ads by upgrading to Premium. Totes worth it!

Let me know what you think! What's your favorite song on the list? Do you have a favorite song you're singing along with now? Share in the comments below!

P.S. Lilacs are my favorite :)


  1. "..............I can feel my heart touch my adam's apple."
    Wow....this song is way too addictive. Corny, cheesy, and super "bubble gum"....but so addictive.
    And any group who can use "adam's apple" in a song--well, gets bonus points.
    BTW, you're kind of my music twin...who else knows Patrick Watson?!

    1. I know, right?! So catchy! And I think I found Patrick Watson via ol' Spotify! :)
